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Joseph A. Dos Santos Resume


    Nearly 50 years (since 1975) in sales, estimating, engineering supply and construction of bulk materials handling systems and equipment.  Major contributions in engineering and management have expanded the range of bulk handling and transport solutions. 

 Marietta, GA, 1997 – Present (President and Founder)

 Founded Dos Santos International on worldwide experience, specializing in materials handling and engineering.

 Projects have included: 

  • Thirty-six Sandwich Belt high angle conveyor systems in the USA and abroad.
  • Twenty-one overland conveyor projects, which have included 53 conveyor flights.  These projects have included:
    • New systems and upgrades, including:  two-way and reversing conveyors, with “booster” intermediate drives, horizontal curves.
  • Complex analysis of these has been with the DSI proprietary software, ExConTec – The Expanded Conveyor Technology. 
  • Upgrade of 6063 TPH coal shiploader.
  • Designed mobile sizer conveyor for overburden, 12,000 t/h
  • Wire rope hoist luffing systems, to 16-part 1-1/8″ diameter, including single and double drum (redundant) systems.
  • Rigging, reeving and hoisting procedures and designs for power plant maintenance.  This has included bracing structures, staging and permanent platforms, associated with change-out of hot reheat piping and bunker and boiler rebuilds.
  • High tech transfers, to 9,000 TPH coal.



 Bethesda, MD, 1997 – 1998 (Partner/Manager of EleVeyor SN systems) 



 Winfield, AL – 1982 – 1997 (Manager/Engineered Systems)

 Total bottom line responsibility for the Engineered Systems Department including management of sales, estimating, engineering and contruction personnel and activities.  High Angle Conveyors – HACs and related conveyor systems were the focus of Engineered Systems. 


Projects included: 

  • Eighty-two High Angle Conveyor systems in 12 countries in widely ranging applications with angles to 90 degree lifts to 575 feet and rates to 4.685 TPH.  These systems are at mines, ports, coal prep plants, composting facilities, paper mills and self-unloading ships.
  • Other conveyor projects included belt trippers to 72″ B.W., plant, overland and underground conveyors, discharge boom structures to 108″ B.W., heavy duty feeders to 96″ B.W. and various engineering and field service projects.


Responsibilites included: 

  • Heading up research and development.
  • Developing design criteria and standards.
  • Conceptual and final design.
  • Project management.
  • Sales assistance related to bulk materials handling systems and equipment.
  • Belt on belt booster drives, development to commericalization.
  • Multi-Rope conveyor development.
  • High Angle Conveyor (HAC), development to commericalization.  
  • Development of Sandwich Belt high angle conveyor technology including construction of large-scale High Angle Conveyor (HAC) test and demonstration unit, extensive testing and development of design criteria.

Major accomplishments:



Background – Origins of Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors, Innovations of J. A. Dos Santos

The sandwich belt concept was first introduced in the early 1950’s (1&2).  Then, known as “conveyor with cover belt”, it was used at the boom conveyor of a bucket wheel excavator, in a German lignite mine.  The “cover belt” was laid over and pressed onto the conveyed material so that the conveying angle could be increased, thus increasing the excavated bench height.  Other various cover belt concepts soon followed. These systems did not achieve a lasting success.  By end of the decade they were largely abandoned.

The first lasting success in sandwich-belt conveyors was achieved in the 1970’s with development of the Loop Belt for self unloading ships.  The Loop Belt, a C-shaped vertical elevating system, demonstrated that very high volumetric rates could be achieved using all conventional conveyor components and equipment including smooth surfaced rubber belts.  An inner belt is supported along a convex curve path of troughing idlers, while an outer belt wraps around the bulk material and the inner belt.  Hugging pressure on the bulk material is by radial pressure derived from the inherent tension of the outer belt and the convex curvature of the C-profile. Very wide belts, to 3048 mm (120”), are used to elevate various bulk materials continuously from the ships holds to the deck.  A discharge boom conveyor then transfers the bulk to shore.  Though used in many self-unloading ship applications, the Loop Belts did not develop further technically or commercially.  Limited to a C-shaped elevating profile they did not find many land based applications.

In 1979 the Bureau of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, funded a major study entitled “High Angle Conveyor Study”(1).  The purpose; to advance the state-of-the-art in high angle conveying; to develop high angle conveying systems that would reduce the haulage costs in open pit mines.  The study was awarded to a prominent U.S. engineering company.  Joseph A. Dos Santos- Project Engineer was assigned to the Study.

The Bureau of Mines Study was the beginning of the Dos Santos long involvement in and significant contributions to the development of high angle conveyor technology.

The study considered all high angle conveying methods.  It became clear to Dos Santos that the Sandwich-Belt concept offered the most promise for success.  Equally clear; it was the least understood.  His in-depth study and research produced the comprehensive theory of Sandwich-Belt High-Angle conveyors entirely rationalized in the conventional conveyor technology.  The prophecy: “A sandwich belt high angle conveyor system, utilizing all conventional conveyor components and equipment, subject to the conventional rules of their design, will result in the performance characteristics of a conventional conveyor system, that is, low cost, high reliability.”  The two volume “High Angle Conveyor Study” report, published in 1981, included the Dos Santos theory and various sandwich belt conveying methods by Dos Santos, pursuant to the theory.  Drawing from the success of the Loop Belt, Dos Santos Sandwich Belt systems included its best features but offered versatile profiles that could follow any high-angle path.

The Snake-Sandwich High-Angle Conveyor was cited as the preferred method and it was submitted for patent in 1981.  The Sandwich Belt High-Angle conveyor research and development was published more concisely in the 1982 landmark article “Evolution of Sandwich Belt High-Angle Conveyors” by Dos Santos and Frizzell(2).

    Dos Santos Sandwich Belt High-Angle Conveyors Installations Record 1982-1997

    Now recognized as a leading authority in the application and design of high-angle angle conveyors, J. A. Dos Santos was sought by a major U.S. manufacturer of conveyor systems and equipment.  He was offered the opportunity and challenge, to develop his innovations into commercial reality.  In 1982 Dos Santos accepted the challenge.   

    By mid 1983, in only 9 months, Dos Santos designed, built and started-up the first large scale prototype sandwich belt high-angle conveyor pursuant to his published theory.  The unit featured 1524 mm (60”) wide belts, 35 meters (115’) length and adjustable incline angle, from 30º to 60º.  It was powered by variable speed DC drives.  An immediate success, the prototype demonstrated high angle conveying of widely varying materials, from light weight wood chips to heavy, course ores, at rates to 2900 t/h (3200 STPH).  This Dos Santos invention, originally referred to as “Mechanically Pressed Sandwich Conveyor”,(1&2) features fully equalized pressing rolls to hug the conveyed material and develop its internal friction.  It was patented in the U.S. and abroad in 1986.

    Commercial success came slow initially, with only 7 units installed before 1990.  By 1997 however more than 80 units were in operation world wide.  These are located in the six civilized continents, in thirteen countries.  The installations vary widely in profile from compact C and S shapes, as small as 3.6 meters (12’) lift and 8.6 meters (28’) length, to long undulating profiles as high as 175 meters (574’) lift and 454 meters (1490’) length.  High conveying angles vary from less then 30º up to 90º (vertical).  The range and versatility of the Dos Santos designs is dramatized in Figure 1, where some of the various profiles are displayed at a common scale.  Materials handled vary widely in properties from light weight wood chips in pulp and paper applications to heavy course ores at copper and iron mines.  Belt widths from 500 mm (20”) to 2134 mm (84”) elevate the various materials at widely varying rates from .3 to 4250 t/h.  These sandwich belt high-angle units serve many industries including grain distribution, pulp and paper, municipal waste treatment and disposal, trans-shipment (including self-unloading ships and barges), power generation, construction and tunneling, and mining and processing.

    Numerous published articles by Dos Santos document the progress in sandwich-belt high-angle conveyors from 1982 to 1997(3-38).

      DSI Sandwich Belt High-Angle Conveyors Since 1997

      In 1997 Dos Santos International was founded on the experience and accomplishments of its name’s sake, Joseph A, Dos Santos.  Dos Santos International presented an opportunity to return to the roots of the sandwich belt conveyors.  The many sandwich belt installations by Dos Santos, from 1982 until 1997 fully proved the technology and are a great success. These are the realization of the “Mechanically Pressed Sandwich Conveyor”. At the DSI founding in 1997 we returned to the “Snake Sandwich” high angle conveyor, the preferred system.

      From 1997 to present (2024) Dos Santos International has continued the Sandwich Belt conveyor development adding some forty installations worldwide, both “Snake Sandwich” and “Mechanically Pressed Sandwich” units. 


      Dos Santos published articles (39-43) continue to document the progress.

      Dos Santos Bibliography
      1. Mevissen, E.A., Siminerio, A.C. and Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveyor Study by Dravo
        Corporation for Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior under BuMines Contract No.
        J0295002, 1981, Vol.1,291 pages, Vol.II,276 pages
      2. Frizzell, E.M., Mevissen, E.A., and Siminerio, A.C., Trucks Versus High-Angle Conveyor Haulage in
        Open Pit Mines, Mining Congress Journal, October,1981, 8 pages
      3. Brady, T.M., Goris, J. M., Martin, T. W., and Frizzell, E. M., Continuous Surface Mine Materials
        Handling Systems. Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 2 (No. 1), March 1982, pp. 131-137
      4. Dos Santos, J.A. and Frizzell, E.M., Evolution of Sandwich Belt High-Angle Conveyors. CIM
        Bulletin. Vol.576, Issue 855, July 1983, pp. 51-66
      5. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors – Applications in Open Pit Mining,
        – Presented at the 1983 AMC (American Mining Congress) Mining Convention, San Francisco, CA,
        Sept 11-14, 1983, published in proceedings.
        – Presented at the SME-AIME Fall Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, October, 1983, published in
        – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 4 (No. 1), March 1984, pp. 67-77
      6. Mitchell, J. J. High Angle Conveyors Climb to the Top. Coal Mining Magazine, November 1984
      7. Mitchell, J. J., Albertson, D. W. High Angle Conveyor Offers Mine Haulage Savings.
        -Presented at IMHC Beltcon 3, 9-11 September 1985, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 pages
      8. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors – HAC® – Evolution to Date. Bulk Solids
        Handling, Vol. 6 (No. 2), April 1986, pp. 299-314
      9. Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveyors-HAC for Open Pit Mining. Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. ?
        (No. ?), September 1986, pp. 575-589
      10. Dos Santos, J.A. and Stanisic, Z. “In-Pit Crushing and High Angle Conveying in Yugoslavian Copper
        – Presented at the Mining Latin America, Int. Mining Convention, Nov. 17 – 21, 1986, Santiago, Chile,
        published in proceedings
        – Published in International Journal of Surface Mining 1, 1987, pp. 97-104
      11. Mitchell, J. J., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyor Offers Economic Benefits in Mine Haulage.
        -Presented at 1986 National Symposium on Mining, Hydrology, Sedimentology, and Reclamation,
        University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, December 8-11, 1986, and published in proceedings, pp. 121-
      12. Dos Santos, J.A. “High Angle Conveyor-HAC Provides Shortest Route to Train Loading Silos”, Coal
        Prep 87, April 27-29, 1987, Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A
      13. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors – Broad Horizons. -Presented at CoalTrans‘86, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 10-12, 1986, published in proceedings – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 7 (No. 2), April 1987, pp. 229-239
      14. Dos Santos, J.A. and Wrede, K. L., High Angle Conveying Applications for Coal and Other Bulk
        – Presented at the Third Western Regional Conference on Precious Metals, Coal and Environment,
        Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, September 23-26, 1987, published in proceedings, pp. 215-226
      15. Dos Santos, J.A., McGaha, J.R., Modern Continuous Haulage Systems and Equipment.
        – Presented at Simposium Nacional de Seleccion de Maquinaria,Fundacion Gomez-Pardo, Madrid,
        Spain, December 15-17, 1987, published in proceedings (11 pages)
      16. Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveyors-HAC’s for Surface Mining.
        – Presented at AMC MineExpo International ’88, Chicago, IL, USA, April 24-28, 1988, published in
        proceeds (9 pages)
      17. Dos Santos, J.A., HAC’s for Pulp and Paper and Other Industries.
        – Presented at TAPPI Annual Meeting ’88, Atlanta, GA, USA, September 19-22, 1988, published in
        proceedings (6 pages)
      18. Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveyors-HAC’s for Open Pit Mining 1988.
        – Presented at AMC MinExpo International ’88, Chicago, IL, USA, April 24-28, 1988, published in
        proceedings (6 pages)
      19. Dos Santos, J.A., McGaha, J.R., Modern Continuous Haulage Systems and Equipment. Bulk Solids
        Handling, Vol. 9 (No. 3), August 1988, pp. 303-308
      20. Dos Santos, J.A. Interview by Jon Jacobs, High-Angle ‘Hugging Conveyor Proposed for Port
        Operations. Bulk Transpo ’89, New Orleans, LA, USA, September 27, 1989
      21. Dos Santos, J.A., McGaha, J.R., Modern Continuous Haulage Systems and Equipment.
        – Presented at Western Surface Coal Mining Conference, Gillette, WY, USA, November 3-5, 1989,
        published in proceedings, pp. 85-91
      22. Dos Santos, J.A., McGaha, J.R., A Boost for Continuous Haulage in the Nineties. MinTech’90, The
        Annual Review of International Technology and Development, Sterling Publications Ltd, London, UK,
        January, 1990, pp. 137-141
      23. Hubee, J. E., Two in One Traveling Shiploader/Unloader Combination. Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 10
        (No. 2), May 1990
      24. Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveyors-HAC’s, A Decade of Progress Yields a Rock Solid Future.
        Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 10 (No. 3), August 1990, pp. 267-270
      25. McGaha, J.R., Dos Santos, J.A., State of the Art Conveyor Support for the Nineties.
        – Presented at Mechanical Handling Engineers Association Conference, Birmingham, UK, submitted
        October 1990 (12 pages)
      26. Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveyors-HAC’s for Surface Mining in the 90’s. The Institute of
        Mining Electrical and Mining Mechanical Engineers, Doncaster, UK, November, 1990 (22 pages)
      27. By Editor, High-Angle Conveyor Unit Delivers Coal Straight Up at 600 tons per hour. The Miner’s
        News, April-May 1991
      28. Scott, D.W., Dos Santos, J.A., Straight Up – The Best Way To Go.
        – Presented at The AMC (American Mining Congress) Coal Convention ‘92, Cincinatti, OH, USA,
        May 3-5, 1992, published in proceedings (12 pages)
      29. By Editor, Smooth Belts Can Convey Vertically. Bulk Materials International, Belt Conveying,
        February 1992
      30. Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveyors Finding Acceptance in the Marketplace. Stone Review, June
        1992 (3 pages)
      31. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt HAC®s Broad Horizons – 1992. Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 12 (No.
        3), September 1992 (8 pages)
      32. Dos Santos, J.A., Stanisic, Z., In-Pit Crushing and High Angle Conveying in Yugoslavian Copper
        Mine. Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 12 (No. 4), October 1992, (9 pages)
      33. Dos Santos, J. A., Rebuttal to CIM Article Entitled “Conveyor Systems Design and Application for
        Surface Mining” bu A. Richmond et al. CIM Bulletin, Vol. 86, No. 966, January 1993, pp. 85, 86
      34. Dos Santos, J.A., Continuous Haulage in the 1990’s. World Coal, UK, April 1993, pp. 24-31
      35. Dos Santos, J., High Angle Conveyors – HAC®s from Mine to Prep Plant and Beyond. Bulk Solids
        Handling, Vol. 13 (No. 2), May 1993 (7 pages)
      36. Dos Santos, J.A., Continuous Vertical Haulage.
        – Presented at Mine Hoisting ’93 Conference, Royal School of Mines, London, UK, June 1993
        – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 13 (No.3), September 1993 (6 pages)
        – Published in Mining Technology, London, UK. September 1994, pp. 238-243
      37. Kornecki, J. A., The First C-Loop Conveyors in Africa. Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 14 (No. 1),
        January/March 1994
      38. Killingsworth, J. E., HAC’s a Better Way to Handle Chips.
        -Presented at TAPPI Annual Meeting ’94, Published in Proceedings (4 pages)
      39. Dos Santos, J.A., High on Angles Low on Problems, High Angle Conveyors in the Cement Industry.
        International Cement Review, October 1994 (3 pages)
      40. Dos Santos, J.A., In Pit Crushing and High Angle Conveying in Yugoslavian Copper Mine.
        – Presented at Mine Haulage Solutions Royal Scandinavian Hotel, Dusseldorf, Germany, March 27-29
        – Published in World Mining Equipment, (11 pages)
      41. Dos Santos, J.A., McGaha, J.R., Modern Continuous Haulage Systems and Equipment. Bulk Materials
        Handling Number, Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, Calcutta, India, May-June 1994, pp. 84-94
      42. Dos Santos, J.A., Cement Plants Fed Continuously by HAC’s. World Cement Bulk Materials Handling
        Review, 1994 (4 pages)
      43. Reardon, J., County Refits Compost Plant. American City & County Magazine, -Recycling Feature
        Article, January 1995, pp. 48
      44. Dos Santos, J.A., HAC’s in Harmony with the Environment. International Bulk Journal, Dorking,
        Surrey, UK, Submitted July 21, 1995 (15 pages)
      45. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt HAC’s Elevating Solid Waste.
        – Presented at The Eleventh International Conference on Solid Waste, The University of Pennsylvania,
        November 12-15, 1995
        – Published in The Journal of Resource Management and Technology University of Pennsylvania,
        Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1995 (8 pages)
      46. Dunphy, T., Steep Slope Solutions. Pit & Quarry Magazine, October 1995, pp. 42-43
      47. Dos Santos, J.A., McGaha, J.R., Modern Continuous Haulage Systems and Equipment- 1995.
        – Presented at BeltCon 8, Johannesburg, RSA, October 24,-26, 1995, published in Proceedings (15
      48. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt HAC’s Broad Horizons- 1996. Port Technology International,
        London, UK, September 1996 (11 pages)
      49. Carter, R. A. – Editor, Some New Angles on Belt Conveyors. Coal Magazine, February 1996, pp. 41-
      50. Dos Santos, J.A., HAC®s – Elevating Gold.
        – Presented at Randal Gold Conference- 1996, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, published in proceedings
        – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 16 (No.3), July/September 1996, pp.361-366
      51. Stanisic, Z and Dos Santos, J.A., In-Pit Crushing and High Angle Conveying at Copper Mine
        Majdanpek – Performance to Date, Future Expansion.
        – Presented at Fifth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, São Paulo,
        Brazil, October 22-25, 1996,
        – Published in proceedings, by A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1996, pp. 487-491
        – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 17 (No. 1), January 1997 (5 pages)
      52. Dos Santos, J.A., HAC High Angle Conveyors, Quarry to Bunker. World Cement Bulk Materials
        Handling Review 1996, UK, pp. 34-40
      53. McGaha, J.R., Dos Santos, J.A., Modern Continuous Haulage Systems and Equipment – 1997. Bulk
        Solids Handling, Vol. 17 (No. 3), July/September 1997, pp. 379-390
      54. Dos Santos, J.A., The Cost/Value of High Angle Conveying.
        – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 18 (No. 2), April/June 1998, pp.253-260
        – Published in World Mining Equipment, Vol 22, (No. 7), September 1998, pp. 46-49
      55. Dos Santos, J.A. , Butterworth, B., Odin, J.P., Pelissou, J.P., The Square Belt/Square Conveyor for
        Today\’s Environment.
        – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 18 (No. 3), July/September 1998, pp.463-467
        – Published in World Mining Equipment, Vol 23, (No. 5), July/August 1999, pp. 30-31
      56. Dos Santos, J.A., Endless Elevating Options with Snake Sandwich Conveyors. Bulk Solids Handling,
        Vol. 19 (No. 2), April/June 1999, pp.199-202
      57. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors according to The Expanded Conveyor
        – Presented at the SME-AIME Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 1999, published in proceedings
        – Published in Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 20 (No. 1), January/March 2000, pp. 27-37
      58. Dos Santos, J.A., Dos Santos International –Company Profile. Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 21 (No. 2),
        March/April 2001, pp. 216-219
      59. By Editor, Dos Santos Reports Success with Snake Sandwich System. DCI- Dry Cargo International,
        March 2005, p 52
      60. By Editor, Dos Santos Adds a Further Six Snake Units in Second Half of 2005. DCI- Dry Cargo
        International, April 2006
      61. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors, 2007 – Progress to Date. IMHC, Presented
        at Beltcon 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa, published in the conference proceedings
      62. By Editor, Dos Santos Snakes Found All Over the World. Dry Cargo International, 2007, 2 pages
      63. By Editor, How do We Convey Thee, Let Us Count the Ways. Dry Cargo International, March 2010,
        pp 61-65
      64. By Editor, DSI Snakes Make their Mark in Spain. Dry Cargo International, October 2010, pp. 35-36
      65. By Editor, High-Angle Conveying, Balancing Cost and Value with Dos Santos International. Dry
        Cargo International, April 2011, pp. 33-45
      66. Dos Santos, J.A., Sandwich Belts for High Angle Conveying. Australian Bulk Handling Review,
        May/June 2012, pp. 28-29
      67. Dos Santos, J.A., The Economics of Conveying, Part 1. World Coal, Aptil 2012, pp. 103-108, Part 2
        June 2012, pp 49-56
      68. Dos Santos, J.A., The Cost and Value of High-Angle Conveying. Bulk Solids Handling, No. 1-2013,
        pp. 18-23
      69. Dos Santos, J.A., High Angle Conveying, the Vital (Missing) Link to IPCC Systems. ABHR
        Australian Bulk Handling Review, July/August 2013, pp.44-53
      70. By Editor, Flag Ship System. Bulk Handling Today, September 2013, pp. 18-19
      71. Dos Santos, J. A., Dos Santos International to supply landmark high angle conveyor to transfer
        terminal. Dry Cargo International, Issue No. 170, June 2014, pp. 148, 149
      72. Duncan, A. D., A Snake Charmer. World Coal, December 2014, pp. 31-33
      73. DSI Marketing, Dos Santos International, LLC – Company Profile. Bulk Solids Handling, Conveyor
        Technology Guide 2014/2015
      74. Dos Santos, J. A., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors, Coal Mine to Prep Plant and Beyond-2016.
        International Coal Preparation Congress, Presented at XVII Congress, Saint Petersburg Russia, June
        2016, published in conference proceedings
      75. DSI Marketing, Advanced Material Handling with Dos Santos International Conveyors.. Dry Cargo
        International, Issue 192, June 2016, pp. 129-131
      76. Dos Santos, J. A., Cost Value of High-Angle Conveying-2016. Mining Engineering, September 2016,
        pp. 66-73
      77. DSI Marketing, Minimizing Environmental Impact. ICR Magazine, October 2016, pp. 74
      78. Dos Santos, J. A., High Angle Conveying, The Vital (missing) Link to IPCC Systems-2017. Bulk
        Solids Handling, No. 1 2017, pp. 16-26
        – Presented at 2018 SME Annual Conference and Expo, Saint Paul, MN, USA, February 2018,
        Published in conference proceedings
      79. Duncan, A.D., Taking the High Road, World Cement, BMHR 2017, pp. 65-66
      80. Duncan, A.D., Lost Opportunity. World Coal, March 2017, pp. 47-50
      81. Duncan, A,D., Conveying Green. Dry Bulk Magazine, Spring 2017, pp. 35-40
      82. By Editor, IPCC- Feature Article, International Mining Magazine, October 2017, pp. 50
      83. Dos Santos, J. A., Don’t Underestimate High-Angle Conveying. International Mining Engineer,
        November 2017, pp. 36-38
      84. Duncan, A. D., Endless Elevating Options. Global Mining Review, May 2018, pp. 23-26
      85. dos Santos, M. J., Adder Snake: Low Angle to High Angle with no Transfers, Dry Cargo International,
        June 2018, pp. 66-70
      86. Dos Santos, J. A., Interview. Tunneling Journal, October/November 2018, pp. 27-28
      87. Dos Santos, J. A., High Angle Conveying: The Vital (Missing) Link to IPCC -2018
        -Presented at MEI Mining and Expolaration -2018, and published in the Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV
      88. Dos Santos, J. A., Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors Exclusively at Paris Metro Expansion -2019
        -Presented at SME RETC Rapid Excavation and Tunneling -2019 Conference, and published in
        Proceedings, June 17-19, 2019, pp. 825-836
      89. dos Santos, M. J., Adder Snake: Low-Angle to High Angle with no Transfers, -Presented at Beltcon
        20, Johannesburg, RSA, August 2019, and published in Proceedings, 15 pages
      90. By Editor, Get the Muck Out, Tunnels and Tunnelling, August 2019, 4 pages
      91. DSI Marketing, Largest DSI Sandwich Conveyor Links Storage Yards. Dry Cargo International,
        February 2020, pp. 70-73
      92. By Editor, Dos Santos International Starts Up Two Sandwich Conveyors at Burritica Project, Dry Bulk Magazine, March 2020, 2 pages
      93. Dos Santos, J. A., Getting High in Paris. Tunnels and Tunnelling, August 2020 , 4 pages
      94. Dos Santos, J. A., Taking the High Road. World Coal, July/August 2020 , pp 33-38
      95. Dos Santos, J. A., An Alternative Achievement. World Cement, September 2020 , pp 69-72
      96. By Editor, Dos Santos International Supplies New Hybrid Sandwich Belt Conveyor. Bulkinside,
        October 2020 , 6 pages
      97. By Editor, High and Mighty, Mining Magazine, November 2020 , pp 15-18
      98. Dos Santos, J. A., High Angle Conveying the Vital Link to IPCC Systems – 2022, -Presented at IPCC
        2022 Conference, Cancun, Mexico, May 2022, and published in Proceedings, 13 pages
      99. By Editor, Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyors in Harmony with the Environment: Integral Part of
        Loading and Unloading Operations. Dry Cargo International, October 2022, 4 pages
      100. Dos Santos, J. A., TBM Trailing Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyor, -Presented at RETC2023,
        Boston, MA, USA, June 2023, and published in Proceedings, 12 pages
      101. Dos Santos, J. A., Sandwich belt High Angle Conveyors – Broad Horizons 2023, -Presented at
        Beltcon 21, Johannesburg, RSA, August 2023, and published in Proceedings, 23 pages


      August 6, 2024


      Completed Projects List

      project 1

      project 2

      project 3

      For current projects and more information, visit